The BIG Big Chuck & Lil’ John Promotional Flying Disc! (Circa-1993)

To make better sense out of this one, you’re gonna have to flash back some six years, gang. Remember when I spotlighted a Big Chuck & Lil’ John mini-flying disc? Of course you don’t! Here, enjoy the link.

Perusing that old update, you’ll see that I had obtained one half of what was ideally, to me anyway, a two-piece promotion. Big Chuck had a big flyin’ disc, Lil’ John had a, erm, lil’ one. I had gotten the lil’ one, but I still needed the big one. Well, a little over six years after that post, the opportunity finally, finally presented itself, and so here we are.


Unlike the smaller green disc, the Big Chuck flyer is a full-sized specimen, in attractive and oh-so-early-90s hot pink. I really like the green ‘n pink combo; not only is emblematic, intentionally or otherwise, of the color scheme of 30 (!!!) years ago, but they just seem to ‘go’ together. Just like Big Chuck & Lil’ John! ‘Course, the big pink disc would be much easier to find in the grass than the little green one, but if you’re like me (and I’m sorry if you are), these are keepsakes meant to be cherished, not flung about with reckless abandon. I mean, what if one landed in doody?!

Other than the fact that the main image of this disc is a big ol’ sticker, as opposed to it being printed on the other one (I prefer the latter to the former), I have little else to say about this. I mean, it’s a flying disc (NOT a Frisbee!), it’s pretty self-explanatory! C’mon, you know what it does!

(Side note: the price of this, while not exactly cheap, was still fairly reasonable for a piece of local memorabilia that doesn’t pop up very often. At least not in my experience; I mean, it did take me six years to finally nab it. As such, there was almost no hesitation in my slamming on the “BUY DIS” button when it finally turned up.)

Now, at this very moment, you may be saying to yourself “yo Video Guy, now’s a good time to show both discs together!” Hey, good thinkin’! I agree! That’d be a perfect natural progression to this post! So why am I not doing that right this very instant? Because in the six years that have elapsed since my first venture into this incredibly, incredibly niche territory, that smaller disc got stored away, and while I’ve got a good idea of its general location, the sad fact of the matter is I simply don’t feel like digging through and/or shifting about the other stuff in the vicinity to get to it for a post only eight other people are going to care about. Here, just take this instead…

“Hey Video Guy, that’s just the pic from that first flying disc update!”

Why yes, yes it is! And your point is? Oh okay, fine, sure, a shot of both discs together would be so, so much better, but if nothing else, you’re getting both specimens in a single post, you can see the differences, you can compare and contrast and update your diaries accordingly. So you know what? I say my obligation has been fulfilled; I’ve done my duty. I mean, where else in internet land are you going to get even as much as I’ve given you here today?

“Man, that’s some jive, Video Guy…”

Well… I guess it is kinda jive. Not full jive, perhaps, maybe just half jive, but it could be argued that jive is jive, regardless of portion. So here, let me go you one better…

That, my friends, is Big Chuck & Lil’ John themselves pitching these on their show. Fittingly, Lil’ John is holding the bigger model, Big Chuck the smaller. If nothing else, hopefully that gives you a better idea of the size differences between the two discs.

You may have noticed, both in that earlier post and this one here, that I opted for a “Circa-1993” in the title. That’s because I have no idea when these discs were introduced or for how long they were produced. The screencaps above are from 1993, so needless to say, I know for sure they were around then. Logopedia helps narrow things down a bit; that WJW logo wasn’t used beyond 1994. But, that’s not to say these weren’t still manufactured afterwards – channel 8 went from a CBS affiliate to a Fox one, but it’s not like the call letters changed.

So, how would one go about getting these back in the day? Well, they were giveaways for the studio audience at the show; that’s what you’re seeing above. But that’s not to say you couldn’t get them elsewhere. I’d think it’s a safe guess you could buy these at Big Chuck & Lil’ John personal appearances. Or maybe not; I dunno. Maybe these two discs are the exact ones you’re seeing in the screenshots above, who knows. (I highly, highly doubt that, of course, but it sure would be neato if they were!)

At any rate, it’s nice to finally check this one off the mental want list. I’m a sucker for pretty much any memorabilia pertaining to these guys, but as far the flying discs go, well, like Chuck and John themselves, they just belong together. Maybe if I didn’t have so much junk many fine collectibles laying around, the discs would be stored together right this very moment, as they should be. Perhaps one day I’ll be feeling productive, or at least brave, enough to make that happen…

2 thoughts on “The BIG Big Chuck & Lil’ John Promotional Flying Disc! (Circa-1993)

    1. neovideohunter Post author

      Thanks, I appreciate that. I never know if anyone’s going to care about a given item, but I still want it to have SOME kind of internet presence. That way, it’ll be there when the right person (hopefully) comes along!


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